People often ask me what I do for a living. I try to think of all of things that I do, then I sum it up with
" I am kind of like Martha Stewart, just on the poverty level."
As A Mom I Wear Many Aprons.
do I really wear aprons?????
yes..trying to bring back housewife chic back in style....(if there is such a thing...)
(however I don't consider myself a housewife for the simple fact I did not marry a house)
do I really wear aprons?????
yes..trying to bring back housewife chic back in style....(if there is such a thing...)
(however I don't consider myself a housewife for the simple fact I did not marry a house)
As most Moms do, Strong coffee starts my day
then I start on my chores.
Peace negotiator
Personal Secretary
Taxi Driver
Chef/line cook
Sanitation Disposal Expert
Seamstress/Primitive folk artist
But at the end of the day I do take a moment for myself.
Seriously, I love what I do, it just does not pay very well.
don't get me wrong, refrigerator art, hugs and kisses are plenty of reward
(it is just wally world doesn't accept those forms of payement)
and lets face it folks, I love making dolls...but I am not making enough to feed my family and keep the lights on.
( the supplies and time, plus ebay and paypal fees leave me making my stuff for free most of the time)
after 14 years out of the work force I am looking for a job.
My resume just isn't that impressive
the summary of qualification still read....
CEO of Household operations. Able to handle many tasks with scheduling and
peace keeping skills. Mindful
consideration of others, so all are happy.
Prompt problem/resolution crisis experience. Able to multitask, and promptly deliver
service, of course with a friendly outgoing, energetic attitude. A keen eye for photography. Able to assemble
and sew dolls/clothing. Sculpting skills
are minimal but possible. Able to write and do short stories. Intermediate culinary skills. I can do it all. I am MOM.