And Happy Thanksgiving...
Welcome as always to the rollcoaster of my life!
I hope you had lots of turkey, and bellies are content and overflowing with the yumminess of life.
As I was pondering today what I am thankful for I beginn to look around. Not to long ago I decided it was best to surrend myself with things that made me smile. So, I went to wally world and bought lots of frames. Took Everything off my walls and proceeded to print out pictures of the kids, pets, and various other things. So, Therefore I was looking at things Today and that brought a constant tear and smile to my eye at the same time (ok got side tracked) ~I can't help it though, I look at my kids and wonder what I did so right to deserve them!
before eating our dinner, I wanted to ask the kids "What are you Thankful for"
Christopher went first. If any of you know me, you may know that our son has slight Autisum and is very hard to communicate with. But his response was " I am Greatful that Jesus died on the Cross so we can go to Heaven."
My heart melted, tears welled up, just as they are now as I type this.
You have no idea How I feel as a parent. I ask God, I thank God For things we do not even have. I feel like I have failed my children because I can not provide what they need in life, yet there eternal souls are taken care of and my Son knows it. For once I felt as if I did something right. and here I am so side tracked from doing what I know is right. Again if you know me I go in "spurts" where I go to church and reading the word. Well, I find myself when one of those spurts (because I am so stubborn) where I feel like I am not doing what is right.
This is the real me, Telling you how I really feel
And Happy Thanksgiving...
Welcome as always to the rollcoaster of my life!
I hope you had lots of turkey, and bellies are content and overflowing with the yumminess of life.
As I was pondering today what I am thankful for I beginn to look around. Not to long ago I decided it was best to surrend myself with things that made me smile. So, I went to wally world and bought lots of frames. Took Everything off my walls and proceeded to print out pictures of the kids, pets, and various other things. So, Therefore I was looking at things Today and that brought a constant tear and smile to my eye at the same time (ok got side tracked) ~I can't help it though, I look at my kids and wonder what I did so right to deserve them!
before eating our dinner, I wanted to ask the kids "What are you Thankful for"
Christopher went first. If any of you know me, you may know that our son has slight Autisum and is very hard to communicate with. But his response was " I am Greatful that Jesus died on the Cross so we can go to Heaven."
My heart melted, tears welled up, just as they are now as I type this.
You have no idea How I feel as a parent. I ask God, I thank God For things we do not even have. I feel like I have failed my children because I can not provide what they need in life, yet there eternal souls are taken care of and my Son knows it. For once I felt as if I did something right. and here I am so side tracked from doing what I know is right. Again if you know me I go in "spurts" where I go to church and reading the word. Well, I find myself when one of those spurts (because I am so stubborn) where I feel like I am not doing what is right.
This is the real me, Telling you how I really feel