Christopher: Mom, can I have a cell phone?
Mom (me): Why do you need a cell phone?
Christopher: "cause everyone else has one
Mom (me): How Many is "everyone"?
Christopher: Like, 20
Mom (me): that is not everyone
Christopher: c'mon
Mom (me): Well, i am not buying it, if you want it you need to do summer school to get your 100 dollars (our district has a summer camp for kids and they can earn up to a hundread dollars)
Christopher: You promised me I did not have to go to summer school.
Mom (me): you don't..but if you want a cell phone you have to buy it yourself
Christopher: Well, Why do you have one?
Mom (me): In case I go out and have car problems, or if I am not home and you are at school and they can get a hold of me.
Christopher: When you were a kid how old where you when you got a cell phone?
Mom (me): FIRST OFF, THEY DID NOT HAVE CELL PHONES WHEN I WAS A KID..secondly I just got one 2 years ago, Besides you can't use your phone at school, they will take it away. who are you going to call?
Christopher: well, when I get home I can use it.
Mom (me): Christopher, it will cost you a dollar just to use it, and if they don't have an AT&T cell phone it will cost you a 1$ for every 10 minutes, just use the home phone to call your friends.
Christopher: Uh, well, what if you forgot your cell phone and you had car problems ..and uh, and I was with you, you could use mine...
Mom (me): Christopher..if you want a cell phone YOU BUY IT
Christopher: BUT MOM..UH
Mom (me): That is it..I am done...Go
Friday, January 30, 2009
Friday, January 23, 2009
I am Flawed
Well, The Cat is outta of the bag..
I am flawed.
I am flawed.
I have all sorts of imperfections.
I am not perfect.
It is hard to admit..but here I am admitting it.
I am severely flawed..
How so you may ask?I have this giant gap between my big toe and the toe next to it ( I have been told it comes from the American Indian side of my family since they all went barefoot they needed better traction..)lol..ok.. (I am not kidding when I say you can place another toe in that space..)NEXTI have Carly Simon Gums, When I smile all of my Gums show..or I look like the joker 'cause all you see is lips and gums, and I like to wear BRIGHT lip stick..
I have crooked pinkY FINGERS! NO joke..So does Christopher, Gabby, Grandma, and My I guess that comes from the German side of the fam. one eye is smaller then the other..or one eye is bigger then the other..just how ya wanna look at it..(no pun intended) that is when I smile one eye always looks closed when I smile (that is why I take pics with my head turned..)I have got Kankles..Kinda like tree stump ankles...from my Dad sideI have to pluck a chin hair here and there (plus another hair in a place I would rather not say)now, I tried to leave out the "emotional flaws" (we don't' have time to write a book)
How so you may ask?I have this giant gap between my big toe and the toe next to it ( I have been told it comes from the American Indian side of my family since they all went barefoot they needed better traction..)lol..ok.. (I am not kidding when I say you can place another toe in that space..)NEXTI have Carly Simon Gums, When I smile all of my Gums show..or I look like the joker 'cause all you see is lips and gums, and I like to wear BRIGHT lip stick..
I have crooked pinkY FINGERS! NO joke..So does Christopher, Gabby, Grandma, and My I guess that comes from the German side of the fam. one eye is smaller then the other..or one eye is bigger then the other..just how ya wanna look at it..(no pun intended) that is when I smile one eye always looks closed when I smile (that is why I take pics with my head turned..)I have got Kankles..Kinda like tree stump ankles...from my Dad sideI have to pluck a chin hair here and there (plus another hair in a place I would rather not say)now, I tried to leave out the "emotional flaws" (we don't' have time to write a book)
Even Though you may Be FLAWED..God made you PERFECT!WE ARE blessed with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in ChristEphesians 1:3
Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning. James 1:17
Here is a really cute you tube video..about flaws
You know the drill, turn down the music on the left hand side by hitting pause :)
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
First E-Bay Listings 2009

I hope you go by and take a peek when you get a chance. I also have a new E-pattern available over at my website too.
I hope all are enjoying this week. A much needed warm up will be coming our way, I think tomorrow it will get up to 54! I can't wait. I am just about frozen to the bone.
The week is just going by in a jiffy it seems. Gonna keep this short tonight
Enjoy the rest of your week..
Monday, January 19, 2009
An Altered Perspective from Connie...
Connie, From Altered Route, had a great perspective on ART and MONEY..
No longer are we able to feel accomplished, reassured, inspired or directed in what we are doing with our art by how it is sold and for how much. It's not the TRUE response of the public.Judging your art's worth or whether there is still an interest in it, cannot be judged by how it sells.The Art Community as a whole has enjoyed great monitary success in recent years. Finished art in all categories as well as retail merchandise and new product development has seen it's boom days and now with the uncerntainty of the economy, people are just holding back on what they spend their money on. It is no reflection of how they would LIKE to respond to your work. Buyers are just being conservative and cautious with the family's Dollar. The TRUE reponse to your art will have to be judged in other ways...maybe whether it is selected by a gallery, a shop, a Magazine or perhaps by comments left on your blog or from online art group members... will have to do for now. Financial Woes should not be our Woes....Art is for the soul. Who knows what the future has in store for us and being just one generation away from those who told stories of the's my advice.Do what you love, create what feels good and enjoy the fact that at least WE will be entertained by the skills we have (and the stockpiles of supplies in our studios) when the rest of the world will be scambling for survivor skills to keep from going crazy of boredom.
No longer are we able to feel accomplished, reassured, inspired or directed in what we are doing with our art by how it is sold and for how much. It's not the TRUE response of the public.Judging your art's worth or whether there is still an interest in it, cannot be judged by how it sells.The Art Community as a whole has enjoyed great monitary success in recent years. Finished art in all categories as well as retail merchandise and new product development has seen it's boom days and now with the uncerntainty of the economy, people are just holding back on what they spend their money on. It is no reflection of how they would LIKE to respond to your work. Buyers are just being conservative and cautious with the family's Dollar. The TRUE reponse to your art will have to be judged in other ways...maybe whether it is selected by a gallery, a shop, a Magazine or perhaps by comments left on your blog or from online art group members... will have to do for now. Financial Woes should not be our Woes....Art is for the soul. Who knows what the future has in store for us and being just one generation away from those who told stories of the's my advice.Do what you love, create what feels good and enjoy the fact that at least WE will be entertained by the skills we have (and the stockpiles of supplies in our studios) when the rest of the world will be scambling for survivor skills to keep from going crazy of boredom.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
This made me do the UGLY Cry!
(please be sure to turn off the music on the left hand side by hitting the pause button)
I just found this on a great blog this morning...and I watched it..listened to the words, before I knew it I was doing the UGLY CRY!! I am not sure why. I know I am emotional wreck most of the time..maybe the lack of sleep... Maybe PMS is on the horizon?
But I really think that Over 6 years of selling my "art" I feel like I hit some kind of cross road ( or perhaps a dead end?) and I am thinking "What can I create now?" "what should I create now?"
I have always loved making dolls, however some of them are very labor intensive.
When you create something and no one asks, comments, or bids or buys (sorry to sound like a winey butt, I truly am grateful that I can do this though no matter what!) on your stuff it really does effect ones self esteem. And I know that it should not, but how can one not take it personally? I mean it is something you brought to life and it would not exsist if I did not make it. The past year I had so many distractions. I have tried to stay focus on creating but it can be hard. I Find myself starting one project...having another idea, starting that one....then starting another. Before you know I have so many unfinished projects and none of them are calling my name to finish them.
I think the good part of how I feel is that I am not the only one. I recently Joined the Suzi Blu network and SOMEHOW I don't feel so alone anymore. Time after time I read the biggest distraction people had is that they could not focus. Now, I find it hard to belieive all of us have A.D.D.
I know I am just rambling..some of you may think this adds to the crazziness that is me, maybe others will feel connected..I don't know.
I think the good part of how I feel is that I am not the only one. I recently Joined the Suzi Blu network and SOMEHOW I don't feel so alone anymore. Time after time I read the biggest distraction people had is that they could not focus. Now, I find it hard to belieive all of us have A.D.D.
I know I am just rambling..some of you may think this adds to the crazziness that is me, maybe others will feel connected..I don't know.
Monday, January 12, 2009
TGIM (Yes, Thank God it is Monday!)

Thank God it is Monday! Now, I know must people frown down upon Mondays...I LOVE THEM! After having the kids and hubby home for the weekend I feel like I can get back to creating.
And today was no different, I was able to finish up my Spooky Time Jingle Offering!
Don't get me wrong we had a great weekend, and I got a visit 2 times in one week from my mom as well. You see shortly after we got our Washer OUR DRYER WENT OUT!! We were with out a dryer for 2 weeks. I was unsure if or when we would be able to purchase one. My Mom suprised me a BRAND NEW DRYER! It felt like Christmas all over again. Because for Christmas We received our very first GAS GRILL! OH MY GOSH..I am sooooo loving it! after years of starting fires and shoot on freezing days who wants to do that? Now, with a push of a button and a turn of a handle Grilled Chicken or burgers are a cinch.
the next couple of days a big chill will be on, I am sure I will stay in the house and not get out. I am hoping to finally get to creating some pieces for EBAY! I am having EBAY withdrawls!
While I am here chatting away I would like to thanks Kelly of Mystical Entities for bestowing me with the

'This blog invests and believes in the PROXIMITY - nearness in space, time and relationships. These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers' aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in prizes for self-aggrandizement! Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers!'
'This blog invests and believes in the PROXIMITY - nearness in space, time and relationships. These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers' aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in prizes for self-aggrandizement! Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers!'
I normally Don't do the "award" Thing either, but I really like what this one stands for and I will for sure in the next few days be passing along this award. I like this award because there is so many awesome blogs and people out there and just through reading posts, sharing thoughts, ideas and feelings you some how feel close and connected with out feeling so alone.
Well, I have rambled long enough for one day...
Wishing you a Wonderful week ahead..
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Happy Birthday To A Princess & To A King (rock and roll that is)

Wow! Sophia...My lil blessing, my lil' Gracie. Gracie is originally what I wanted to name Sophia. I thought She was my Saving Grace. I was on a downward path then when I became pregnant with her, my world changed. She is Gracie in my head. I am sure one day we will visit GRACELAND as well..
You see, Lil Sophia shares a B-day with a very special King. The king of Rock and R0ll That is. So many people see Elvis as this HUGE icon of when pop music might have began. However, Gospel music was in his soul, then rock-a-billy(the era of when my fav Johnny was singing along the side of Elvis!) Johnny Cash is my MAN!!), then of course what we later began to know as good ole rock'N'Roll
One day I am going to take Sophia to Graceland, get her an Elvis Cake. Eat some Peanut butter and banana grilled sandwiches and live in bliss take a tour.
For You formed my inward parts;You covered me in my mother’s womb.
I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works, And that my soul knows very well. Psalm 139:13-14
Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; Jeremiah 1:5
I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works, And that my soul knows very well. Psalm 139:13-14
Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; Jeremiah 1:5
Sophia, You are a Princess!
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
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