Not only is tomorrow April Fools Day, it is time for the new arrivals to hatch at the prim nest. I sure do hope you hop on over to take a look at all of the newest offerings.
Well, this Lucky lady would have been listed a few days ago on Ebay..but I got the nasty Death Black Screen...and nothing.....called tech peeps, they could not help (after spending 50 bucks for a few brief 15 minutes....) Their adivce was, Get a new computer.....
however, I do indeed feel very lucky, you see our old computer was 5 years old. And it had 5 years worth of pics and documents..files and e-patterns....
It just so happens that I backed all of that information up in the past 2 weeks!!!
so lady luck is now listed on ebay, one penny to start plus free is a 3 day auction
just take a peek ... who knows, she could be your lady luck!!
With out further ado, I would like to invite you to visit a new Nesting Spot The Primitive Nest It will update the 1st and the 15th So fly on over and get a birds eye view
Don't Just live for yourself, But live to make a difference in others - Joel Osteen
Couldn't resist the Fushia highlights
My First Passion Of Expression
Before I started making dolls cooking was my first passion of expression. I think cooking and serving food to others is such an expression of love that you can't say with words. I have always felt that sharing a meal with others is such an intimate moment. Where we can all come together sit down, converse and share thoughts while savoring wonderful flavor..most of which comes from just simple things such as fresh herbs...Vegetables, along with a pinch of salt and pepper~Heidi
Hello and Greetings! I am so happy that you have found me on my spot on the world wide web....Who am I? Gosh, such a simple question, with an aswer that could take me days to type! But for Starters I am Heidi Gianino, A Gal who is trying to serve God, raise a family and in my spare time create....So, Welcome To CraBBy GaBBy Dolls Grab a chair and your favorite drink To learn more about Me.
An insight into my life, not only as a doll maker, but as Mother, wife and a person Fullfilling my Purpose and Passion Through Christ
You know, I don't think that I am that talented..not compared with all of the talent that is out there..I am grateful for what I have and what I can do..I think that is why I am so flattered when I receive a kind word..... Heidi