True Blue Greetings To You!!
Wow, I think the kids are staying home more then they are going to school because of all of those snow days....
With the new year fully in swing I am hoping to get more dollies listed soon.
The kids are doing great..however, the tooth fairy is going BROKE..Sophia has lost 3 teeth. she has also just had a birthday and is now 7. Goodness, How time goes by so fast.
The older kids are doing good, but i still wish they were little.
Hard to believe soon Chirstopher will be 15! WoW!!
Gabby has a birthday around the corner too..it is sad to see her going from playing with "littlest pet shops" to hanging out with her friends and doing her nails and talking about boys....right before my eyes she is growing up!
many new and exciting things seem to be around the corner....
until next time,