on one trip to clear out the house, I found a most wonderful old box, filled to the BRIM with old pictures. I am really looking foward to sharing these with you.
the other weekend when we were going through the box , Michael found this picture. It has the 3 sisters of Seb in it. I don't think Seb was born yet or I am sure he would have been in the picture. But the 2 littlest girls in the Picture Rosemary and Gloria look almost uncanny resemblance to my 2 girls..Gabriella and Sophia. OUR JAWS DROPPED!!
my first re-action to Michael was, We should show your dad...it was just a thought that popped into my head. he said he thought the same thing for a split second too.
now, my little girls..(this pic was taken last wed. the first day of school..)
I had always thought that Gabby looked like me..lol, I guess the Gianino Genes win.
Their hair cuts and teeth are exactly the same..
another really cool thing is this wonderful old picture
This passport is amazing!!

This documentation blows my mind..i am not sure what this is..maybe a visa?
This is one of my favorite photos. I remember this being in Aunt Gloria's living room. I am so thrilled to have this in my possession.
out of all of the things that we have gotten from the house, the most treasured are the old pictures. I am truly looking foward to sharing them with you.
until next time...