I am Growing!!
Not in Height
(maybe an LB here and there...)
But needless to say, I am growing..
it has been about 8 weeks just about since I have sewed a stitch.
I traded my needle in for a shovel..
instead of fabric to create, I have been planting seeds.
and I am sure my neighbors really thought I lost my mind when I decided to PULL OUT ALL OF MY LANDSCAPE ON THE SIDE OF MY HOUSE and opted for a raised cinder block garden instead.
not only did I pull out all of my landscape on the side of my house (the side that faces south and gets 6-8 hours of light a day..) but also any container that could hold dirt, well, now holds dirt.
My radishes are even almost ready for harvest!
Arugula is very tasty compared to those old plastic tubs that you can buy in the store! for years I have always heard how arugula had a "peppery" taste. Not the ones I was buying all of these years that come pre packaged. but the baby greens growing that I planted from seed have a very peppery taste indeed.
I can be found grazing on the seedlings that need to be thinned.
I have got 3 different types of basil plated so far, and awaiting the Thai basil to come in (it is so good in a noodle bowl soup!!)
by good ole summer time I am hoping to have a healthy harvest of 5 different kinds of maters, and my favorite lettuce, bibb.
so, that is what I have been up to. Now, today for the first time in about 2 months, I am ready to sit down and sew.
Happy Growing & Sewing to all.