Well, I am not Jackie O,
I have no Grace.
None I Tell ya..
This is the 2nd Halloween in the past 6 years that I have spent with a broken/sprained foot.
About 6 years ago I broke my foot pretty bad, just by jumping up and down when the Cardinals (baseball team) beat Arizona..(it could have been 7 years ago..)
Whelp, 2 days ago, by just simply walking down the steps, I slipped on a wet leaf...my ankle went under me, and I laid on the front side walk yelling for help!! (I felt like the lady in the commercials..Help, I have falling and I can't get up!!)
The neighbor ran out and assisted me inside my house. In the recliner I sat till hubby got home from work.
on another note..I CAN NOT CARVE PUMPKINS!! **sigh** I mean I try, I really do...
the other night I did give my best.
You know the books you buy..it comes with all of the tools and templates.
I followed instructions. transferred the pattern using the tool provided.
Did the eyes, the nose..then started to go around for the face, before I knew it, I cut out a perfect circle out of my pumpkin..and made a mask basically..(I was doing the skeleton pattern, the one marked the EASIEST!!)
to fix it..
just got a smaller pumpkin, did a very simple naive face and VIOLA!