Positive thinking isn't denial; it's the accurate realization that we don't know everything and therefore, ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE...

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Tuesday, March 25, 2008


If you know me I have habits of going in "hiding" mode, I often do this when times are tough..I crawl under a rock and hide until I feel like I can face the world again or more importantly when I use the strength God has placed in me to move forward.

The truth is God has instilled that strength in me (and you!) to face and do anything. and it is OUR responsibility to do it!

For me it is my "thought process" that keeps me isolated. I let circumstances steal my JOY. The fact is that it is not our circumstances that make us unhappy, it our attitude toward our circumtaces ( a very wonderful quote from Joyce Meyers)

So, Last night I sat down to read the new issue of Enjoying Everyday Life by Joyce Meyers Ministries and WOW!

Very little of you know (maybe like 5 people knew...) I have not been to church since October. My life really got turned upside down when my Grandma came to live with us, then there was hurt feelings I had between some people at church. I plan just stop going. I had revealed to a certain "cyber friends" that I had not been and one of the best pieces of advice I received is "if you are not getting fed you need to forge for yourself" Good advice indeed.I thought to myself and told God "as soon as hubby starts his new job things will be back to normal" .Hubby then shortly after started a new job, he had left his old job he had for 6 years. The new job was the highest paying job he had ever had, I had hope in paying all of our bills in time, buying things just because we could.....and most important, helping others in their time of need**sigh**
2 weeks into the intense training there was a couple of ice storms..hubby made it to work and left extra early (the new job was nearly 2 hours away in rush hour!) Still excited about the new income I saw a whole new world of possibilities opening up. A bigger house finally!
On Friday still being very excited about just doing more then treading water in our lives, I said to my self "This is our way out" Then I heard in my Spirit God telling me, "This is not your source, I am your source"

That was on Friday, the weekend came and went, then it was Monday. Hubby again went to his new job that I felt was our way out of our circumstance..then he came home and he was running late..he conveyed to me that he lost the New Job..He was in the bottom of his training class. The New job that would allow us to pay our bills on time, the new job just to buy things in life we needed, the new job to let us finally move.......

Fast forward to now..(3 weeks after hubby been let go from his new job) Well, it has been a stupor for me. He went back to the "old" job..the one he had been at for 6 years, but training does not start until April 7th. So he has been home this whole time.
But YESTERDAY was a new day..As is everyday..But yesterday I decided to read the new issue of "Enjoying Everyday life" And the whole issue basically is on our Thought process and Depression. There are several good articles in this issue that I highly suggest reading, and not because I am "preaching" but because it changed my thinking and heart. These are things I have heard before, but for whatever reason, probably because my spirit needed it so much it just hit home.

This may seem obvious but " be constantly renewed in the spirit of your mind " Ephesians 4:23. I am not saying "obvious" to be Mrs. Smarty pants but because In Romans 12:2, the Bible tells us to renew our mind. Now renewing our mind is a continual process. To renew something and to keep it renewed is a constant, ongoing process. It’s like buying a new house. If you and I never do anything to keep it up, it won’t be long until it will be a pile of junk. Or, if we buy a new car that looks really good when we bring it home but don’t take care of it, it will become a dirty mess, full of all kinds of trash.

There is also a great article about a "can do attitude" that is just amazing and I shared with my best friend who later in the part of the day when I was feeling "tired" Reminded of what I read to her and said "what did I, Joyce and you talk about earlier??" This is so worth reading and will help discern from "dreamer" to "achiever" attitude

there was an awesome article on depression....on "how you think may be affecting the way your body feels"
Another one entitled "Change your Thinking, Change your life...." Plus so much more.
Before I close out this post, I just want to share a couple more key points that hit home with me.
I would like to say first off that I a year ago I was a different person in my walk. I was ready to just drop everything and go to Africa on missions or go to Bible college...then my life got turned upside down and I lost track. God still has plans for our lives even though we detour..there is UNFAIR circumstances in our lives BUT GOD IS VERY FAIR.
A year ago I had a "blind faith" you can say..and it was not denial. I had no way of describing it so perfectly until I read this phrase " Positive thinking isn't denial; it's the accurate realization that we don't know everything and therefore, ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE..."
So starting now, I will no longer limit myself to what I think, God is so much bigger then what you or I can think with
heartfelt regards,


  1. God has truly blessed you my new friend...with so much...you are so very talented in so many ways and I have been touched by your posting!! I too struggle daily (as we all do) but continue trying to stand on my own understanding instead of relying on His understanding!! Thank you for sharing this and reopening my eyes!!

  2. I was meant to read this...Wow, how I struggle daily with so many of these issues... I love the Lord and believe He is all things and can do all things, but I have a hard time believing it can be for me .... I have no church or friends and I know this is a big part of the problem..My husband is a believer, but that's as far as that goes. No effort is made to go to a church and I am Spiritually starving and malnourished...
    Glad the Lord used such an annointed person and her work ( Joyce Meyers) to touch your spirit... I have a book of hers, You have inspired me to get it out and re-read it ....
    God Bless you and Keep you !!!

  3. I absolutely love your blog, Heidi. I have added you to my favorites! God Bless you...and thank you so much for sharing your heart...it was perfect timing for me...I'm going to try and find a copy of Joyce's newsletter! Hugs, Karen

  4. YOu are so right, it does you no good to stay where you are not being fed, and just pray for God to lead you somewhere where you can get the meat of God's Word. I LOVE Joyce and am a partner of her ministry as well as contributing to my home church. She is such an inspiration and obviously carries the annointing of God. My hubs and I have been in lots of situations where God has had to come thru for us when the checkbook said otherwise - he delivered us EVERY time.. God's love and blessings to you from a sister at the humble arts.

  5. Heidi. We all struggle from time to time....on many different levels. I'm sorry you are going through difficulties right now and I pray that your spirit will be lifted. Thank God for the blessing of your Husband having the option of going back to his old job. Also you have a wonderful God given talent that will take you very far. Your work is amazing.


  6. Heidi....I am so sorry for your struggles...and believe me I know what you're going through..my hubby lost his job last year and is now back at school full time, and he won't be done until June 2009..it has definitely been hard, but we stay positive and take each day as it comes..All I can say is that I trust in God, and I believe that all will be good...I will definitely keep you and your family in my prayers!
    Sending lots of hugs!

  7. Amen darlin'!! Glad to see you back. :> )

  8. Hello Heidi!!Well listen my friend, I have "been there and done that". Regarding church.I left my church of 22 years about 4 years ago because my pastor who was also my friend and we named our son after him....cussed me out at a meeting we had with him. Yes, it is true.Needless to say, I never went back there again even though Dave and our son did stay for another 7 months. (long story about that) Anyway, I was devasted about it and obviously hurt to the max. What I didn't realize until about 3 years later, was that God had been speaking to me 2 years prior to the cussing out, about leaving the church. The pastor and the congregation had gotten off track spiritually and I knew it. I knew God wanted us to leave but I was too brain washed and too controlled by this man (it's called spiritual abuse) that I was AFRAID of leaving. So what God showed me one day at dinner with Dave was that God basically had to do something really drastic to get my butt outta that church and the only way this scared lil Christian lady would leave was by getting cussed out by the man she looked up to. Fear has a way of controlling us and sometimes God just has to use drastic measures to get our attention.
    I can tell you from the bottom of my heart, soul and spirit, that God had a plan for us at another church and it was the bestest thing that has ever happened to me, my husband and our family. It was such a GOD thing and getting my butt chewed out by my friend the Pastor actually save my marriage.
    I said all this to say that God always always ALWAYS has a plan in everything that happens. So sit back and with joy and excitement, see what God has planned for you and your hubby!!
    Blessings to you and yours,

  9. "Positive thinking isn't denial; it's the accurate realization that we don't know everything and therefore, ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE..."

    Lovely, Heidi!
    Who said that? Can I quote it on my blog too?
    Big hugs! -Joee

  10. Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the OLED, I hope you enjoy. The address is http://oled-brasil.blogspot.com. A hug.

  11. Heidi....come out of your 'hiding mode'....still praying for you! Hugs, Karen

  12. God has so many ways of leading us and maturing us, doesn't He? Sometimes we sit for years in a church being spoon fed, and after a while, it all tastes the same, and we don't even realize that we are not growing at all. Our pews, like our ruts, can be very comfortable and normal and safe. But God never meant for us to stay put. When we start digging on our own, questioning things, asking why, and seeking His face and listening to HIM for answers, it is THEN that we hear, "This is the way, walk ye in it!" Crawling under a rock for a while can be a good thing. It's safe, and the noise and clatter of the world is dimmed for a while, and we can crawl back out and see things in a whole new light! I'll be praying for you, my friend, that God will begin a whole new work in your life. He has a plan for you, not for evil, but for good, with a future and a hope! Cora

  13. Hi Heidi! Just visited your blog for the first time. I'm new to blogging. Hope you don't mind me leaving a comment...I'm a fellow Christian and artist. It does sound like things are very hard for you right now. It's great that you are seeking because I know that is what God wants you to do.

    About church...someone once told me something that has always stuck with me that might help...don't punish God by not going because someone else or something in your life is "making" you stop. I believe He wants us there and active. The church is his Bride. One of the benefits of church is fellowship and support, whether you receive it or give it. And getting involved in others struggles can help sometimes ease yours and give you new perspectives and even solutions. But I know it's hard when your hurting.

    Keep seeking...it sounds like your on the right track! May God bring comfort and peace to your life and bless your family.



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